
Blow-Out be4 the BUZZzzzzzz

 Its been 31/2 years and my first grandchild is getting his first hair cut.  His Mom kept his long hair in  immaculate handsome braids.   I think most of the family will be a bit sad to see the braids go,  with the exception of Grandpa Isaacs.  

                                                       let me think about this hair cut idea!

                                                   the BLOW-OUT before the

                                           i feel like i lost some of my SUPER-MAN powers

                                                          not sure i did the right thing

                                                               granny & grandpa love me
                                                                 and adore my new look

                                                                 i think i kinda like it!


  1. Anonymous8:36 PM PDT

    What a great memory, well done grandma. The girls will be lining up soon!


  2. Anonymous12:27 AM PDT

    The hair cut was one of the occassions in this child's life that can never be repeated, how blest are you to be their to capture this special moment.
