
Barry White and Lace

 Making bed while listening to  
 Barry White! 



In place of a bed skirt, I used antique Quaker Lace table cloths, tucked them between 
the top mattress and box spring


 now playing...Barry White
                                                               titled...The Man Is Back!
       my favorite cut...when will i see you again

champagne with fresh strawberries 
homemade popcorn with my special herb seasonings

some good reads

recently my sister-in-law gave me this book
thanks Carolyn

turning down the bed

daisys from the garden



  1. Anonymous11:00 AM PDT

    This is the first time I,ve been on down stairs computer since vacation, love the black and white lace, pictures are perfection. I have no energy for all those changes in the bed room. I love love love your creativity. Keep up the good work.

  2. It's wonderful people like you and your generous comments, that keeps me inspired to create and blog..thanks for visiting, Bella K Rose!
