
The Roosevelt New Orleans

After leaving cold rainy gray Washington State, we were  greeted with warm sunny torrential rains in Nola.  Well, at least the rain is warm, dries quickly, although very humid.  After settling in, at the Roosevelt, we headed for a day,  full of adventure, seeking, beignets, and chicory coffee. Sure that all would be found at the Famous French  Market


Canal Street

an entrance to Hotel Roosevelt

i was smitten with the beautiful  letter box

glowing ceiling light fixtures everywhere

pecan pie and coffee
 Teddy Room Cafe and lounge

teddy room cafe lounge

The sheer beauty of the Roosevelt Hotel is unbelievable.  Please pardon my camera skills, because I haven't come close to capturing the full spectrum of the hotel's elegance, beauty and sparkle.
My breath was taken away  many times, as I strolled, gazing at artwork, while being mesmerized by the crystal chandeliers.


and now for the highly recommended
Domenica Restaurant

prosciutto and arugula pizza
my choice...
where's the cheese?

hubby ordered the lasagna...
wish i had ordered it...he was kind enough to share,  delish!

Canal Street approx 1920s

view from our room

heavenly scented  fresh flowers
I would love to have this delivered to my home...

*** Hotel Roosevelt ***
Next Stop Nassau Bahamas!!!


  1. Anonymous4:34 PM PDT

    Look at you guys enjoying the high life. What a wonderful grand hotel.

  2. The high life? Humm, in MODERATION ONLY!!! Happy you enjoyed the beauty of this grand hotel. Thanks for visiting the blog, and the interesting comment. :)

  3. Anonymous9:25 PM PDT

    The comment was only to describe the beauty and grander of the hotel and how
    Great it was for the two of you having the chance to enjoy such a great place.
    Kim,you no you deserve it,high life and all!

  4. Anonymous9:26 PM PDT

    Know, as in knowledge of.......Oops
