
Baskets Of Edibles

Yep, that's my tiny little garden in the spot back by the fence.  Each year the hovering trees grow bigger eliminating desperately needed sun to grow big productive vegetables.  Oh well, I'm thinking of making a huge family garden at my daughter's home next year.  She has the much needed sun and space to produce huge baskets of  edibles.


The grape vine has the perfect spot to keep producing tasty grapes, as well as being a great place to sit and chill. 

love this painting

waiting for the cabbage heads to get a larger.

Last year we had maybe ten plums total!!!  The Italian plum tree, about 20 years old, was planted as a bare root.  Its  ferocious plum producing capabilities are truly a blessing, and the plums are delicious!  As you can see, this year its loaded!

fading Hydrangeas... 
showing off its autumn color

Choke berries
birds go coo coo for them!!!


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